Monday, September 19, 2011

More Canning

I made what is probably the last cutting of my rhubarb for the year.  I decided to make Rhubarb Simple Syrup and can it for use in in the soda stream this winter.

My parents were nice and brought me in some of their tomatoes so I could make more salsa. I had no idea how long it would take to complete the project.  I was up until 1:30 in the morning on Saturday.  I ended up with 25 pounds of tomatoes, which was transformed into 5 cases of salsa!  I still have a few more Mrs. Wages Salsa packets, so I may not be finished yet.  
More tomatoes were delivered today which I plan to make into pizza sauce.  I won't try and do the entire batch at once this time.  I'm going to try and spread the work out over a couple days instead.  Before I tackle more tomatoes, I have grapes that need my attention.  I plan on making grape juice and jam.  It's a good thing I stocked up on peanut butter.  We may be eating a lot of PB & J sandwiches if groceries get much higher this winter!

On another note, I opened my first jar of pear jam over the weekend.  It's very good!  I have more pears on order to pick up at the store to make into diced pears and jam.  I'm going to try a chunky version of jam with the next batch.

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